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Use of Film faced plywood

Views: 20     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-04-07      Origin: Site


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With the hot real estate industry and the continuous development of various projects, the template industry has been developing rapidly.The following is an introduction to Film faced plywood.Film faced plywood is a kind of temporary support structure, according to the design requirements, so that the concrete structure, components according to the specified position, geometry shape, maintain its correct position, and bear the self-weight of the building formwork and the external load acting on it.The purpose of formwork engineering is to ensure the quality and construction safety of concrete engineering, speed up the construction progress and reduce the project cost.It is favored by more and more construction industry

Film faced plywood is lightweight, resistant to corrosion attack and water, easily combined with other materials and easy to clean and cut. Treating the film faced plywood’s edges with waterproof paint makes it highly water-and wear-resistant. Due to its durability and easily handled surface it can be used in open environment in construction and building e.g. warehouses, railway wagons, floors and sidewalls of trucks etc. Coating the film faced plywood with high-quality import films ensures hardness and damage resistance. The surface of the film faced plywood is hygienic and resistant to strong detergents, which is important for farming constructions and storage of food products. It can be used in conditions of high temperature drop, influence of moisture, detergent cleaning and provides protection against termites,by the market a lot people like.If you are interested in our products, you can learn more details on our website and YouTube.


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